Share your best answersA food allergy involves an immediate immune system reaction (IgE antibodies), which can cause severe symptoms like swelling, difficulty breathing, or anaphylaxis. A food intolerance (IgG antibodies) develops more gradually and can cause symptoms like bloating, headaches, fatigue, and skin problems.
Your blood test results include your reactivity ratings to the items analysed in your chosen test. Our test results are comprehensive but simple to follow and explain in full what everything means to make sure you fully understand it.
You don’t need any medical knowledge or training to read our test results, as everything is laid out to make them quick and easy to understand.
If your test shows a reaction to certain foods, consider speaking with a healthcare professional or allergist to discuss dietary changes, further testing, or allergy management strategies.
Whilst we allow blood allergy and intolerance testing from the age of 2 and above, there is evidence to show that allergies are not fully developed until the age of 7. Our advice would be to check with a medical professional before purchasing.