You may have a known allergy; so let’s help you to interpret sensitivity results to this item.
Scenario 1: The item you are allergic to shows as a moderate or high reactivity item. This means that as well as a food allergy you have food sensitivity. If you have already removed this item from your diet you do not need to take any action. If you have not removed it previously, it is worth considering doing so, however we would not recommend reintroduction following the elimination diet.
Scenario 2: The item you are allergic to shows as a no reactivity item. This means that you do not have food sensitivity to this item however the result does not question or contradict the presence of your food allergy to the item. It does NOT mean you should reintroduce the item to your diet, you should respect the symptoms or test results you have had previously with regards to allergy.
Remember this test does not test for allergy.
Everyday Foods
It is common for a food item consumed in the daily diet or very frequently, to test as a moderate or high sensitivity item. This can happen with food sensitivity and may be due to the body suddenly struggling to process or breakdown particular constituents of the food. This could be caused by overconsumption of a food group or could be down to an imbalance in gut bacteria or the presence of low-level inflammation in the gut.
Whatever the cause do not despair. We are talking about food sensitivity and NOT allergy; therefore completing a food elimination diet with subsequent reintroduction can help. This may mean you need to eliminate a favourite food or staple in your diet for a period of weeks but you will be able to reintroduce the
item. Eliminating food items for a period of time can allow the gut time to ‘rest’ from trigger foods and the reintroduction of items can allow you to assess how a food or food group makes you feel.
Gut Nourishment
In most cases carrying out an elimination diet is enough to improve symptoms and allow for a greater understanding of any foods, which aren’t agreeing with the body. It is also worth considering the nourishment of the digestive tract and addressing any gut bacteria imbalances to further improve gut function and reduce digestive symptoms.