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Bioresonance therapy is one of several procedures, including homeopathy, acupuncture and other naturopathic procedures, within the area of empirical healing.
The fundamental principles of the hypothesis for bioresonance therapy have been confirmed by the latest discoveries in quantum mechanics and biophysics. They have not yet been accepted by current expert opinion within orthodox medicine.
Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy that involves placing electrodes on the skin. The electrodes are connected to a BICOM machine. This checks the energy wavelengths coming from the body. Then counteracts bad frequencies by restoring the optimum balance.
While Bioresonance is becoming more popular by the day, there are still a significant amount of people who are not yet aware of how this technology can help them.
Bioresonance hair testing is performed in laboratory conditions to identify food intolerances. A small sample of hair is tested with a BICOM machine. This can measure abnormalities when compared to up to 1,200 potential triggers.
At Check My Body Health, we use bioresonance testing as one of the methods to perform ourΒ food intolerance hair tests. Our tests can tell you in as little as three days which food you have an intolerance to, so you can make positive changes and take back control of your health.
Because an allergy is caused by the immune system. Bioresonance testing isnβt as effective at identifying allergies as blood tests are. If you suspect you have an allergy rather than an intolerance, a food allergy blood test will provide more accurate results.
Bioresonance testing is quickly growing in popularity. As an alternate and non-invasive method for identifying food intolerances. It offers a great balance of accuracy, speed, scalability and affordability. This ensures you can get the answers youβre looking for. So you can make changes to your diet. And stop experiencing the unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms of food intolerances.
Bioresonance therapy was invented in Germany in 1977 by Franz Morell and his son-in-law, engineer Erich Rasche. Initially, they marketed it as βMORA therapyβ (MOrell + RAsche).
Like other electronic medical devices, Bioresonance is a safe and gentle. It is a non-invasive alternative therapeutic technique. Designed on the premise that all particles of matter generate electromagnetic energy. In humans and other animals, this electromagnetic energy continually resonates from the body in oscillations of varying wavelengths and frequencies. This can be detected, amplified, graphed, and examined.
Since its emergence, Bioresonance techniques have been used globally to diagnose disease and to promote healing. By normalising the bodyβs unique electromagnetic characteristics and frequency patterns.Β Given that the technique is non-invasive and not linked with any potential side effects, it has become increasingly popular as an alternative tool. Particularly among children. In fact, the electrodes used to collect information may be attached to the outside of light clothing. Rather than applied directly to the skin. This can help reduce anxiety and discomfort.
Evidence from studies examining the therapeutic impact of electromagnetic fields is promising. Providing support for the potential benefits of bioresonance.
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